
언제 S가 V해?

When do S V?

When does the teacher come?

When does this class finish?


S는 무엇을 V해?

무엇을 S는 V해?

What do S V?

What do we do?

What do teachers like?

What do you do in the morning?

What does your mother drink?

What do you do after drinking coffee?

What does he like?


왜 S는 V해?

Why do S V?

Why do they have lunch?

Why does he like english?


왜 S는 V하지 않아?

Why don't S V?

Why doesn't he take his book out?

Why doesn't your mother drink coffee?


얼마나 오래 S는 V해?

How long do S V?

How long do you run in the morning?


몇시간 S는 V해?

S는 몇시간 V해?

How many hours do S V?

How many hours do you work a day?


몇 일

How many days

How many days does he run a week?


얼마나 많이 

How much


S는 어떻게 V해?

어떻게 S는 V해?

How do S V?

How does he study english?


S는 V해?

Do S V?

Do you study?

Do they dance everyday?

Does he exercise everyday?



in class


S도 V않다

<sentence>, either.





The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.

But the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

비관주의자는 모든 기회에서 어려움을 보고,

낙관주의자는 모든 어려움에서 기회를 본다.


Every problem is an opportunity for us to grow.

모든 문제는 우리가 성장할 수 있는 기회다.


Evey failure is a step to success.

모든 실패는 성공으로 가는 한걸음이다.


Don't wish for it. work for it.

그것을 바라지말고, 그것을 위해 노력하라.

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